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red lemon

Complete Storytelling.

We are visual storytellers who bring ideas and stories to life to inspire people to act. 
We will design and deliver your impactful visual stories and presentations for every occasion.

Client Success

Your animation work is off the charts, makes you want to keep watching a video whose written content is otherwise somewhat tedious - thanks a million!!!!!

Micaela Dawson, The Pioneer Institute.

Visual storytelling offers organisations, not only a voice in all the 'hubbub' but enables them to speak and connect with people on an emotional level."

Rebecca Denyer,


Founding Director

The Power of Visual Storytelling

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." - Robert McKee.


Humans have been telling stories since the beginning of time.  Evidence of visual storytelling is demonstrated as far back as caveman paintings.  The power of storytelling is that it has the incredible ability to connect with people on an emotional level.


We help business leaders tell their complex and sometimes sensitive stories visually.


Successful visual storytelling is compelling, engaging and memorable



Effective storytelling

"Good content isn't about good storytelling, it's about telling a true story well." 


—  Ann Handley

Why Visual Storytelling

Why is Visual Storytelling

so effective?

It is scientific fact that the human brain processes visuals much faster than text, in fact60,000 times faster.  90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.


The human brain also prefers information packaged as stories - so, whether stories are used in marketing your business products/services or purely to inform - visual storytelling leverages compelling narratives placing the recipient at the heart of the story, are engaging and memorable.


Please download our eBook* to learn more about Visual Storytelling and how it could be a game changer for your organisation's communications.



*You'll be pleased to know that no email address or other personal data is taken to access the download, so grab it today and enjoy your read :) 

Why partner with us?

Why partner with us?

Partner with us and using our tried and tested process your story will be told in an engaging, relevant and memorable manner - shareable across all of your media channels for maximum impact and measurable results.


Why don't you visit our journal for ideas and tips to help you with your visual storytelling.


And if you are ready to start the process - get in touch!

We take your privacy seriously and will not flood your inbox with countless emails, only notify you of our blog articles that might be of interest to you to help you with your visual storytelling, and, of course, you may unsubscribe at any time.

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Contact us

Do you need to tell your story?  Then reach out using the form below and let us bring your story to life:

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for submitting!

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Red Lemon Services Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 10917371

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Red Lemon are visual storytellers who bring ideas and stories to life to inspire people to act.

We will design and deliver your impactful visual stories and presentations for every occasion.

© 2024 Red Lemon

Fuelled by laughter, chocolate and coffee!

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